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Author Wiseman, I.M.; Rutt, G.P.; Edwards, P.J.
Title Constructed wetlands for minewater treatment: Environmental benefits and ecological recovery Type Journal Article
Year 2004 Publication Water and Environment Journal Abbreviated Journal
Volume 18 Issue 3 Pages 133-138
Keywords mine water treatment
Abstract (down) The ecology of the River Pelenna (in South Wales) was impoverished by polluted discharges from abandoned coal mines. A series of passive constructed wetlands was created in order to treat these discharges and to improve the ecology of the river. A three-year Environment Agency R&D project investigated the performance, environmental benefits and sustainability of the constructed wetlands. It showed that the treatment systems were removing most of the iron contamination. In the reaches downstream from the minewaters, the dissolved-iron concentration quickly dropped below the target level. Invertebrate abundance, trout and riverine bird populations increased in following years. However, occasional overflows from the systems have significantly affected the ecology of one stretch of river The research work has provided an insight into the potential for ecological recovery associated with future minewater treatment.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 1747-6585 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Aug.; Constructed wetlands for minewater treatment: Environmental benefits and ecological recovery; Wos:000230520000002; Times Cited: 0; file:///C:/Dokumente%20und%20Einstellungen/Stefan/Eigene%20Dateien/Artikel/7891.pdf; ISI Web of Science Approved no
Call Number CBU @ c.wolke @ 7891 Serial 68
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Author Wiseman, I.M.; Edwards, P.J.; Rutt, G.P.
Title Recovery of an aquatic ecosystem following treatment of abandoned mine drainage with constructed wetlands Type Journal Article
Year 2003 Publication Land Contam. Reclam. Abbreviated Journal
Volume 11 Issue 2 Pages 221-230
Keywords Pollution and waste management non radioactive Groundwater problems and environmental effects Wetlands and estuaries geological abstracts: environmental geology (72 14 2) geomechanics abstracts: excavations (77 10 10) geographical abstracts: physical geography hydrology (71 6 8) coal mine recovery aquatic ecosystem constructed wetland water treatment mine drainage abandoned mine
Abstract (down) Seven kilometres of the River Pelenna in South Wales were impacted for approximately 30 years by discharges from abandoned coal mines. Elevated iron and low pH caused significant ochreous staining and had detrimental effects on the river ecology. The River Pelenna Mine water project constructed a series of passive wetland treatment systems to treat these discharges. Monitoring of the performance and environmental benefits of these has been undertaken as part of an Environment Agency R&D project. This project has assessed the changes in water quality as well as monitoring populations of invertebrates, fish and birds between 1993 and 2001. Performance data from the wetlands show that on average the three systems are removing between 82 and 95% of the iron loading from the mine waters. In the rivers downstream, the dissolved iron concentration has dropped to below the Environmental Quality Standard (EQS) of 1 mg/L for the majority of the time. Increases in pH downstream of the discharges have also been demonstrated. Trout (Salmo trutta) recovered quickly following mine water treatment, returning the next year to areas that previously had no fish. Intermittent problems with overflows from the treatment systems temporarily depleted the numbers, but the latest data indicate a thriving population. The overflow problems and also background episodes of acidity have affected the recovery of the riverine invertebrates. However, there have been gradual improvements in the catchment, and in the summer of 2001 most sites held faunas which approached those found in unpolluted controls. Recovery of the invertebrate fauna is reflected in marked increases in the breeding success of riverine birds between 1996 and 2001. This study has shown that constructed wetlands can be an effective, low cost and sustainable solution to ecological damage caused by abandoned mine drainage.
Address I.M. Wiseman, Environment Agency Wales, 19 Penyfai Lane, Furnace, Llanelli SA15 4EL, United Kingdom
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0967-0513 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Recovery of an aquatic ecosystem following treatment of abandoned mine drainage with constructed wetlands; 2530429; United-Kingdom 25; Geobase Approved no
Call Number CBU @ c.wolke @ 17516 Serial 206
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