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Author Banks, S.B.; Banks, D.
Title Abandoned mines drainage; impact assessment and mitigation of discharges from coal mines in the UK Type Book Chapter
Year 2001 Publication Geoenvironmental engineering Engineering Geology Abbreviated Journal
Volume (down) Issue Pages 31-37
Keywords abandoned mines coal mines cost discharge drainage England environmental effects Europe feasibility studies Great Britain mine drainage mines mitigation pollution remediation Scotland United Kingdom Western Europe 22, Environmental geology
Abstract The UK has a legacy of pollution caused by discharges from abandoned coal mines, with the potential for further pollution by new discharges as groundwaters continue to rebound to their natural levels. In 1995, the Coal Authority initiated a scoping study of 30 gravity discharges from abandoned coal mines in England and Scotland. Mining information, geological information and water quality data were collated and interpreted in order to allow a preliminary assessment of the source and nature of each of the discharges. An assessment of the potential for remediation was made on the basis of the feasibility and relative costs of alternative remediation measures. Environmental impacts of the discharges and of the proposed remediation schemes were also assessed. The results, together with previous Coal Authority studies of discharges in Wales, were used by the Coal Authority, in collaboration with the former National Rivers Authority and the former Forth and Clyde River Purification Boards, to rank discharge sites in order of priority for remediation.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication 60 Editor Yong, R.N.; Thomas, H.R.
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Abandoned mines drainage; impact assessment and mitigation of discharges from coal mines in the UK; GeoRef; English; 2001-052748; British Geotechnical Society, second conference on Geoenvironmental engineering, London, United Kingdom, Sept. 1999 References: 12; illus. incl. 2 tables Approved no
Call Number CBU @ c.wolke @ 16515 Serial 31
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