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Author (up) Hause, D.R.; Willison, L.R.
Title Deep Mine Abandonment Sealing and Underground Treatment to Prelude Acid Mine Drainage Type Journal Article
Year 1986 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages
Keywords in situ treatment sealing phosphate rock dust mine water acid mine water treatment beach area
Abstract Beth Energy's Mine 105W is located in Barbour County, West Virginia, near Buckhannon. The mine was opened by drifts updip into the Pittsburgh Seam in 1971 and operated until June, 1982. Most of the water which enters Mine 105W percolates down from previously mined areas in the Redstone Seam, Mine 101, which generally lies 38 feet above the Pittsburgh Seam. The quality of this water is good as it enters Mine 105W. While operating, the Mine 105W water was segregated by pumping. The bulk of the water was collected in sumps near the main area of infiltration from the Redstone Seam and was pumped to Gnatty Creek Portal where, because of the quality, it was minimally treated and discharged. The remainder of the water flowed to the original West Portal where it was occasionally treated with lime.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Proceedings, 7th West Virginia Surface Mine Drainage Task Force Symposium Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes 2; als Datei vorhanden 13 Abb.; VORHANDEN | AMD ISI | Wolkersdorfer Approved no
Call Number CBU @ c.wolke @ 17350 Serial 359
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Author (up) Willscher, S.
Title Loesungsansaetze zur Minderung der Umweltbelastung durch saure Grubenwaesser; I, Massnahmen zu deren Minimierung und Verfahren der aktiven Behandlung. Approaches for reducing environmental pollution by acid mine drainage; I, Mitigation measures and methods for active remediation Type Journal Article
Year 2001 Publication Vom Wasser Abbreviated Journal
Volume 97 Issue Pages 145-166
Keywords acid mine drainage; actinides; case studies; chemical reactions; drainage; geomicrobiology; heavy metals; metals; methods; microorganisms; mitigation; pollutants; pollution; remediation; sealing; uranium; water pollution 22, Environmental geology
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0083-6915 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Loesungsansaetze zur Minderung der Umweltbelastung durch saure Grubenwaesser; I, Massnahmen zu deren Minimierung und Verfahren der aktiven Behandlung. Approaches for reducing environmental pollution by acid mine drainage; I, Mitigation measures and methods for active remediation; 388150-1; illus. incl. 2 tables Federal Republic of Germany (DEU); GeoRef In Process; German Approved no
Call Number CBU @ c.wolke @ 5788 Serial 209
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