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Author (up) Gobla, M.J.
Title A rapid response to cleanup – Gilt Edge Superfund Site, South Dakota Type Journal Article
Year 2002 Publication Tailings and Mine Waste '02 Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages 421-425
Keywords mine water treatment
Abstract The Gilt Edge gold mine is an acid drainage site that has been put on an accelerated closure schedule. The mine ceased activities in 1999 when Dakota Mining Corporation declared bankruptcy forcing the State of South Dakota to immediatly assume water treatment operations. Evaluation of conceptual closure plan options and cost estimates led the State of South Dakota to a decision to seek Federal assistance. The site has quickly moved into reclamation mode for the principal contamination source, the Ruby waste-rock dump. Designs and specifications for capping the Ruby waste-rock dump were prepared while Superfund listing was pursued. In October of 2000, mobilization of the first reclamation contractor began and by December the site was added to the National Priorities List. Capping the waste-rock dump will address a major acid drainage source. Water treatment requirements are expected to decline as conventional methods such as diverting clean water, backfilling, grading, capping, limestone neutralization, and revegetation are implemented. Acid seepage from underground workings, steep highwalls, and some pit backfills will remain. Major field trials of emerging technologies are nearing completion and some are showing promising results. Carbon reduction in a pit lake, and pyrite microencapsulation on simulated waste dumps, are showing initial success. Their application may minimize or eliminate the need for long-term active water treatment which has been a long sought goal for major acid rock drainage sites.
Corporate Author Thesis
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Area Expedition Conference
Notes A rapid response to cleanup – Gilt Edge Superfund Site, South Dakota; Isip:000175560600055; Times Cited: 0; ISI Web of Science Approved no
Call Number CBU @ c.wolke @ 17038 Serial 160
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Author (up) Goulet, R.R.
Title Changes in dissolved and total Fe and Mn in a young constructed wetland: Implications for retention performance Type Journal Article
Year 2001 Publication Ecological Engineering Abbreviated Journal
Volume 17 Issue 4 Pages 373-384
Keywords mine water treatment
Abstract Surface-flow wetlands are generally considered sinks for Fe and Mn but they may also export and affect the partitioning of these metals. This study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of a young constructed wetland on the retention and transformation of both dissolved and particulate Fe and Mn. Duplicate water samples were collected every three days at the inlet and outlet structures of the Monahan Wetland, Kanata, Ontario, from spring of 1997 to 1999. While on a yearly basis the wetland showed significant retention of che dissolved phase, the retention of total Fe and Mn was poor. There were strong seasonal differences in retention and, during the winter, the wetland was a source. The wetland transformed dissolved into particulate Fe and Mn from spring to fall whereas during the winter, dissolved Fe and Mn were released. Changes in pH, alkalinity and temperature could explain 11% and 40% of the outlet variation in the ratio of dissolved to total Fe and Mn respectively. Furthermore, from spring to late summer, planktonic algal biomass was negatively related to the ratio of dissolved to total Fe and Mn implying a role in Fe and Mn transformations in young wetlands where emergent and submerged vegetation have yet to dominate the system. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Corporate Author Thesis
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Area Expedition Conference
Notes Changes in dissolved and total Fe and Mn in a young constructed wetland: Implications for retention performance; Wos:000169881900004; Times Cited: 5; ISI Web of Science Approved no
Call Number CBU @ c.wolke @ 17050 Serial 124
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Author (up) Goulet, R.R.
Title The evaluation of metal retention by a constructed wetland using the pulmonate gastropod Helisoma trivolvis (Say) Type Journal Article
Year 2001 Publication Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Abbreviated Journal
Volume 40 Issue 3 Pages 303-310
Keywords mine water treatment
Abstract Constructed wetlands are built because they can act as sinks fur many pollutants, thereby protecting the water quality of downstream ecosystems. The treatment performance is generally assessed using mass balance calculations. Along with the mass balance approach, we compared the metal content of populations of a common pond snail (Helisoma trivolvis Say) collected upstream and downstream of a 3-year-old constructed wetland. Snails were collected in early May, June, and August 1998. At the same time, water samples for particulate and dissolved metals were taken every 3 days for the duration of the experiment. Overall, the wetland retained most dissolved metals, including Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Ni, and Pb, but released dissolved As. However, the wetland released particulate Fe and Mn. With the exception of Zn, the metal concentrations of the downstream snails were on average higher than those measured in the upstream population. The higher metal content of downstream snails was likely related to the significant export of particulate metals by the wetland, despite the overall retention of dissolved metals. This study points to the need for biological as well as chemical monitoring to determine the treatment efficiency and toxicological risk associated with constructed wetlands.
Corporate Author Thesis
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Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes The evaluation of metal retention by a constructed wetland using the pulmonate gastropod Helisoma trivolvis (Say); Wos:000167524900002; Times Cited: 2; ISI Web of Science Approved no
Call Number CBU @ c.wolke @ 17049 Serial 125
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Author (up) Govind, R.
Title Treatment of acid mine drainage using membrane bioreactors Type Journal Article
Year 2001 Publication Bioremediation of Inorganic Compounds Abbreviated Journal
Volume 6 Issue 9 Pages 1-8
Keywords mine water treatment
Abstract Acid mine drainage is a severe water pollution problem attributed to past mining activities. The exposure of the post-mining mineral residuals to water and air results in a series of chemical and biological oxidation reactions, that produce an effluent which is highly acidic and contains high concentrations of various metal sulfates. Several treatment techniques utilizing sulfate reducing bacteria have been proposed in the past; however few of them have been practically applied to treat acid mine drainage. This research deals with membrane reactor studies to treat the acid mine drainage water from Berkeley Pit in Butte, Montana using hydrogen-consuming sulfate reducing bacteria. Eventually, the membrane reactor system can be applied towards the treatment of acid mine drainage to produce usable water.
Corporate Author Thesis
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Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Treatment of acid mine drainage using membrane bioreactors; Isip:000175098600001; Times Cited: 0; ISI Web of Science Approved no
Call Number CBU @ c.wolke @ 17051 Serial 162
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Author (up) Groudev, S.N.
Title Treatment of acid mine drainage by a natural wetland Type Journal Article
Year 2002 Publication Wetlands and Remediation Ii Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages 133-139
Keywords mine water treatment
Abstract Acid drainage waters generated in the copper ore deposit Elshitza. Central Bulgaria, were treated by a natural wetland located in the deposit. The waters had a pH in the range of about 2.5 – 3.5 and contained copper, cadmium, arsenic, iron, manganese and sulphates as main pollutants. The watercourse through the wetland covered a distance of about 100 in and the water flow rate varied in the range of about 0.5 – 2.0 1/s. The wetland was characterized by an abundant water and emergent vegetation and a diverse microflora. Phragmites communis was the prevalent plant species in the wetland but species of the genera Scirpus, Typha, Juncus, Carex and Poa as well as different algae were also well present. It was found that an efficient removal of the pollutants was achieved and their residual concentrations in the wetland effluents were decreased below the relevant permissible levels for water intended for use in the agriculture and/or industry. The removal was clue to different processes but the microbial dissimilatory sulphate reduction and the sorption of pollutants by the organic matter and clay minerals present in the wetland played the main role. Negative effects of the pollutants on the growth and activity of the indigenous plant and microbial communities were not observed.
Corporate Author Thesis
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Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Treatment of acid mine drainage by a natural wetland; Isip:000175585500017; Times Cited: 0; ISI Web of Science Approved no
Call Number CBU @ c.wolke @ 17039 Serial 159
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