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Author Fricke, J.; Blickwedel, R.; Hagerty, P.
Title Biotreatment of metal mine waste waters; case histories Type Journal Article
Year 1997 Publication Open-File Report – US Geological Survey Abbreviated Journal
Volume Of 97-0496 Issue Pages (down) 25
Keywords abandoned mines acid mine drainage bacteria bioremediation chemical composition concentration efficiency geochemistry metals mines pollution remediation USGS waste water water quality water treatment
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0196-1497 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Biotreatment of metal mine waste waters; case histories; 1; GeoRef: 98-68755 160101 / € 0; AMD ISI | Wolkersdorfer Approved no
Call Number CBU @ c.wolke @ 9627 Serial 375
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Author Edwards, P.J.; Bolton, C.P.; Ranson, C.M.; Smith, A.C.
Title Type Book Whole
Year 1997 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages (down) 17-32
Keywords wetland Pelenna mine water
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management Place of Publication London Editor Younger Paul, L.
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Minewater Treatment Using Wetlands Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes The River Pelenna minewater treatment project; 1; AMD ISI | Wolkersdorfer; Fg Approved no
Call Number CBU @ c.wolke @ 9607 Serial 395
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Author Younger, P.L.
Title Minewater treatment using wetlands Type Journal Article
Year 1997 Publication Water and Environment Manager Abbreviated Journal
Volume 2 Issue 4 Pages (down) 11
Keywords Wetlands and estuaries geographical abstracts: physical geography hydrology (71 6 8) wetlands mine drainage water treatment
Abstract Experiences gained by the UK Mining Industry and effluent treatment companies in theuse of wetlands for treating minewaters are discussed. Discharges from abandoned mines is a major cause of freshwater pollution in some regions. Key topics relating to the use of wetlands for minewater treatment will be discussed at a CIWEM conference in Newcastle on 5 September 1997.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Minewater treatment using wetlands; 0283405; Geobase Approved no
Call Number CBU @ c.wolke @ 10624 Serial 200
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Author Noss, R.R.; Crago, R.W.; Gable, J.; Kerber, B.; Mafi, S.
Title Use of flue gas desulfurization sludge in abandoned mine land reclamation Type Journal Article
Year 1997 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages (down)
Keywords abandoned mines; acid mine drainage; flue gas desulfurization sludge; land management; land use; liquid waste; mines; mining; mining geology; moisture; pH; pollution; reclamation; remediation; soils; strip mining; surface mining; waste disposal 22, Environmental geology
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher The Ohio Journal of Science Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Ohio Academy of Science 106th annual meeting; progress toward water quality in the Lake Erie basin; abstracts Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes 1999-043696; Ohio Academy of Science 106th annual meeting, Bowling Green, OH, United States, April 4-6, 1997; GeoRef; English Approved no
Call Number CBU @ c.wolke @ 6302 Serial 282
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Author Earley, D., III; Schmidt, R.D.; Kim, K.
Title Is sustainable mining an oxymoron? Type Journal Article
Year 1997 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages (down)
Keywords acids data processing development ground water leaching mineral resources mining mining geology models monitoring pollution production solutions 26A Economic geology, general, deposits 22 Environmental geology
Abstract Sustainable mining is generally considered to be an oxymoron because mineral deposits are viewed as nonrenewable resources that are fixed in the crust. However, minerals are conserved and recycled by plate tectonics which continually creates and destroys ore deposits. Though it is true that rock cycles have much longer periods than biomass cycles, the crust is essentially an infinite reservoir so long as we continue to invest in mineral exploration and processing technology. Implicit in the definition of sustainable development is the recognition that human development of resources in one reservoir may subsequently degrade resources supplied by another. The depreciation of overlapping and adjacent resources is often externalized in the cost to benefit accounting and cannot be sustained if the integrated cost/benefit ratio is greater than 1. The greatest obstacle to sustainability in mining is the expanding scale of excavation required to develop leaner ores because this activity degrades connected resources. In the case of open pit, sulfide ore mining the disturbed land may produce acid rock drainage (ARD). Because ARD will self-generate over the course of tens to hundreds of years the cost of controlling this pollution and rehabilitating mined lands is large and often spread over many generations. Secondary production of minerals from partially excavated deposits where there are preexisting environmental impacts and mine infrastructure help to reduce the risk of depreciating pristine resources, provided that new mining operations “do no (additional) harm” (Margoles, 1996). In turn, a percentage of the profits derived from secondary mineral production can be used for rehabilitation of the previously mined lands. These lands contain significant, albeit low grade, metal concentrations. These concepts are being developed and tested at the Mineral Park Sustainable Mining Research Facility where an in situ copper sulfide mining field experiment was conducted. Monitoring data and computer modeling indicate that ARD is not generated after closure. This is because the ore is not disturbed and is left saturated, whereas unsaturated conditions generate acidic drainage. The short term risk of groundwater contamination is mitigated by utilizing an exempt mine pit to capture any leach solutions that are not intercepted by the wellfield. Using green accounting techniques and transfer models it can be communicated that this mining scenario is an approach to sustainability.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Geological Society of America, 1997 annual meeting Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes 1998-051450; Geological Society of America, 1997 annual meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, United States, Oct. 20-23, 1997; GeoRef; English Approved no
Call Number CBU @ c.wolke @ 16638 Serial 396
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