Akcil, A., & Koldas, S. (2006). Acid Mine Drainage (AMD): causes, treatment and case studies. J. Cleaner Prod., 14(12-13), 1139–1145.
Abstract: This paper describes Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) generation and its associated technical issues. As AMD is recognized as one of the more serious environmental problems in the mining industry, its causes, prediction and treatment have become the focus of a number of research initiatives commissioned by governments, the mining industry, universities and research establishments, with additional inputs from the general public and environmental groups. In industry, contamination from AMD is associated with construction, civil engineering mining and quarrying activities. Its environmental impact, however, can be minimized at three basic levels: through primary prevention of the acid-generating process; secondary control, which involves deployment of acid drainage migration prevention measures; and tertiary control, or the collection and treatment of effluent.
Ciftci, H., & Akcil, A. (2006). Asidik maden drenajinin (AMD) giderilmesinde uygulanan biyolojik yontemler. Biological methods applied in the treatment of acid mine drainage (AMD). Madencilik = The = Journal of the Chamber of Mining Engineers of Turkey, 45(1), 35–45.
Abstract: Acidic mine drainage (AMD) is a serious environmental problem in mining areas throughout the world. AMD occurs as a result of the natural oxidation of sulfide minerals when they are exposed to oxygen and water during their disposal and storage at the mining areas. Because it includes low pH and high concentrations of dissolved metals and sulphates, AMD can potentially damage to the environment. If the formation of AMD can't be prevented and controlled, it must be collected and treated to remove acidity and reduce the concentration of heavy metals and suspended solids before its release to the environment. Different types of microorganisms in the treatment of AMD can play a very important role in the development and the application of microbiological prevention, control and treatment technologies. The purpose of this article is to give information about the passive biological methods used in the treatment and the control of AMD and the role of microorganisms in these methods.