Smyth, D. J. A., Blowes, D. W., Benner, S. G., Hulshof, A. M., & Nelson, J. D. (2001). In situ treatment of groundwater impacted by acid mine drainage using permeable reactive materials. In Proceedings of the Eighth international conference on Tailings and mine waste '01 (pp. 313–322).
Hulshof, A. H. M., Blowes, D. W., & Douglas Gould, W. (2006). Evaluation of in situ layers for treatment of acid mine drainage: A field comparison. Water Res, 40(9), 1816–1826.
Abstract: Reactive treatment layers, containing labile organic carbon, were evaluated to determine their ability to promote sulfate reduction and metal sulfide precipitation within a tailings impoundment, thereby treating tailings effluent prior to discharge. Organic carbon materials, including woodchips and pulp waste, were mixed with the upper meter of tailings in two separate test cells, a third control cell contained only tailings. In the woodchip cell sulfate reduction rates were 500 mg L-1 a-1, (5.2 mmol L-1 a-1) this was coupled with the gradual removal of 350 mg L-1 Zn (5.4 mmol L-1). Decreased δ13CDIC values from -3‰ to as low as -12‰ indicated that sulfate reduction was coupled with organic carbon oxidation. In the pulp waste cell the most dramatic change was observed near the interface between the pulp waste amended tailings and the underlying undisturbed tailings. Sulfate reduction rates were 5000 mg L-1 a-1 (52 mmol L-1 a-1), Fe concentrations decreased by 80–99.5% (148 mmol L-1) and Zn was consistently <5 mg L-1. Rates of sulfate reduction and metal removal decreased as the pore water migrated upward into the shallower tailings. Increased rates of sulfate reduction in the pulp waste cell were consistent with decreased δ13CDIC values, to as low as -22‰, and increased populations of sulfate reducing bacteria. Lower concentrations of the nutrients, phosphorus, organic carbon and nitrogen in the woodchip material contribute to the lower sulfate reduction rates observed in the woodchip cell.
Herbert, R. B., Jr., Benner, S. G., & Blowes, D. W. (1998). Reactive barrier treatment of groundwater contaminated by acid mine drainage; sulphur accumulation and sulphide formation. In M. Herbert, & K. Kovar (Eds.), Groundwater Quality: Remediation and Protection (pp. 451–457). IAHS-AISH Publication, vol.250.
Abstract: A permeable reactive barrier was installed in August 1995 at the Nickel Rim Mine near Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, for the passive remediation of groundwater contaminated with acid mine drainage. The reactive component of the barrier consists of a mixture of municipal and leaf compost and wood chips: the organic material promotes bacterially-mediated sulphate reduction. Hydrogen sulphide, a product of sulphate reduction, may then complex with aqueous ferrous iron and precipitate as iron sulphide. This study presents the solid phase sulphur chemistry of the reactive wall after two years of operation, and discusses the formation and accumulation of iron sulphide minerals in the reactive material. The results from the solid-phase chemical analysis of core samples indicate that there is an accumulation of reduced inorganic sulphur in the reactive wall, with levels reaching 190 mu mol g (super -1) (dry weight) by July 1997.
Blowes, D. W., Ptacek, C. J., Benner, S. G., McRae, C. W. T., & Puls, R. W. (1998). Treatment of dissolved metals using permeable reactive barriers. Groundwater Quality: Remediation and Protection, (250), 483–490.
Abstract: Permeable reactive barriers are a promising new approach to the treatment of dissolved contaminants in aquifers. This technology has progressed rapidly from laboratory studies to full-scale implementation over the past decade. Laboratory treatability studies indicate the potential for treatment of a large number of inorganic contaminants, including As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, Tc, U, V, NO3, PO4, and SO4. Small scale field studies have indicated the potential for treatment of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, NO3, PO4, and SO4. Permeable reactive barriers have been used in full-scale installations for the treatment of hexavalent chromium, dissolved constituents associated with acid-mine drainage, including SO4, Fe, Ni, Co and Zn, and dissolved nutrients, including nitrate and phosphate. A full-scale barrier designed to prevent the release of contaminants associated with inactive mine tailings impoundment was installed at the Nickel Rim mine site in Canada in August 1995. This reactive barrier removes Fe, SO,, Ni and other metals. The effluent from the barrier is neutral in pH and contains no acid-generating potential, and dissolved metal concentrations are below regulatory guidelines. A full-scale reactive barrier was installed to treat Cr(VI) and halogenated hydrocarbons at the US Coast Guard site in Elizabeth City, North Carolina, USA in June 1996. This barrier removes Cr(VI) from >8 mg l(-1) to <0.01 mg l(-1).
Blowes, D. W., Ptacek, C. J., Benner, S. G., McRae, C. W. T., Bennett, T. A., & Puls, R. W. (2000). Treatment of inorganic contaminants using permeable reactive barriers. J Contam Hydrol, 45(1-2), 123–137.
Abstract: Permeable reactive barriers are an emerging alternative to traditional pump and treat systems for groundwater remediation. This technique has progressed rapidly over the past decade from laboratory bench-scale studies to full-scale implementation. Laboratory studies indicate the potential for treatment of a large number of inorganic contaminants, including As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, Tc, U, V, NO3, PO4 and SO4. Small-scale field studies have demonstrated treatment of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, NO3, PO4 and SO4. Permeable reactive barriers composed of zero-valent iron have been used in full-scale installations for the treatment of Cr, U, and Tc. Solid-phase organic carbon in the form of municipal compost has been used to remove dissolved constituents associated with acid-mine drainage, including SO4, Fe, Ni, Co and Zn. Dissolved nutrients, including NO3 and PO4, have been removed from domestic septic-system effluent and agricultural drainage.