Boonstra, J., van Lier, R., Janssen, G., Dijkman, H., & Buisman, C. J. N. (1999). Biological treatment of acid mine drainage. In R. Amils, & A. Ballester (Eds.), Process Metallurgy, vol.9, Part B (pp. 559–567). Biohydrometallurgy and the environment toward the mining of the 21st century; proceedings of the International biohydrometallurgy symposium IBS'99, Part B, Molecular biology, biosorption, bioremediation.
Boonstra, J., van Lier, R., Janssen, G., Dijkman, H., Buisman, C. J. N., & Ballester, R. A. and A. (1999). Biological treatment of acid mine drainage. In Process Metallurgy (pp. 559–567). Volume 9, Part 2: Elsevier Science B.V.
Abstract: In this paper experience obtained with THIOPAQ technology treating Acid Mine Drainage is described. THIOPAQ Technology involves biological sulfate reduction technology and the removal of heavy metals as metal sulfide precipitates. The technology was developed by the PAQUES company, who have realised over 350 high rate biological treatment plants world wide. 5 plants specially designed for sulfate reduction are successfully operated on a continuous base (1998 status). At Budelco, a zinc refinery in the Netherlands, an acid groundwater stream is effectively treated since 1992, removing metals and sulfate. At Kennecott Utah Copper (USA) a demo plant is in operation since 1995. An acid groundwater flow is treated to remove sulfate and metals, whereas the excess sulfide is used to selectively recover copper economically. Early 1998, a demonstration project was executed at the Wheal Jane mine in Cornwall, UK. In this demonstration project it has been proven that THIOPAQ technology can effectively be used to treat the Wheal Jane Acid Mine Drainage. Relative to lime dosing technology, very high removal efficiencies of all heavy metals (including cadmium and arsenic) can be obtained.