(2002). The BioSulphide Process to treat acid mine drainage and Anaconda tailings at Caribou Mine, New Brunswick (Vol. 2002-3).
Ballivy, G., & Bienvenu, L. (1998). Stabilisation des rejets miniers a l'aide de rejets de cimenterie. Stabilization of mining wastes using cement factory wastes Activites de recherche du Ministere des Ressources Naturelles du Quebec sur le drainage minier acide; rapport 1997-1998. Research activities of the Quebec Natural Resources Ministry on acid mine drainage; report 1997-1998 (Vol. Rn 98-5034).
Benner, S. G., Blowes, D. W., & Ptacek, C. J. (1997). A full-scale porous reactive wall for prevention of acid mine drainage. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, 17(4), 99–107.
Abstract: The generation and release of acidic drainage containing high concentrations of dissolved metals from decommissioned mine wastes is an environmental problem of international scale. A potential solution to many acid drainage problem is the installation of permeable reactive walls into aquifers affected by drainage water derived from mine waste materials. A permeable reactive wall installed into an aquifer impacted by low-quality mine drainage waters was installed in August 1995 at the Nickel Rim mine site near Sudbury, Ontario. The reactive mixture, containing organic matter, was designed to promote bacterially mediated sulfate reduction and subsequent metal sulfide precipitation. The reactive wall is installed to an average depth of 12 feet (3.6 m) and is 49 feet (15 m) long perpendicular to ground water flow. The wall thickness (flow path length) is 13 feet (4 m). Initial results, collected nine months after installation, indicate that sulfate reduction and metal sulfide precipitation is occurring. Comparing water entering the wall to treated water existing the wall, sulfate concentrations decrease from 2400 to 4600 mg/L to 200 to 3600 mg/L; Fe concentration decrease from 250 to 1300 mg/L to 1.0 to 40 mg/L, pH increases from 5.8 to 7.0; and alkalinity (as CaCO<inf>3</inf>) increases from 0 to 50 mg/L to 600 to 2000 mg/L. The reactive wall has effectively removed the capacity of the ground water to generate acidity on discharge to the surface. Calculations based on comparison to previously run laboratory column experiments indicate that the reactive wall has potential to remain effective for at least 15 years.
Berthelot, D., & Haggis, M. (1999). Application of remote monitoring and data management systems to environmental management of tailings facilities. In D. Goldsack, N. Belzile, P. Yearwood, & G. Hall (Eds.), Sudbury '99; Mining and the environment II; conference proceedings.
Abstract: The mining industry has made tremendous strides in the last 20 years in the prevention and control of acid mine drainage. However, there remain a number of circumstances where the long-term operation, care and maintenance of tailings management facilities will be required. The application of progressive environmental technologies and management systems is key to cost control and environmental liability management at these sites. Mine Waste Management Inc. currently operates Rio Algom Limited's five effluent treatment plants and seven waste management areas in the Elliot Lake, Ontario region using a Remote Plant Monitoring and Control Network (RPMCN). This system, based on Intellutions's “Fix 32” technology, enables the monitoring and control of these plants from a centralized location thus reducing labour costs while providing 24-hour surveillance. Scheduling, auditing and reporting of plant operating and environmental monitoring programs are integrated and controlled using the Envista (super TM) environmental information management system. Proper application of these technologies and management systems facilitates delivery of cost-effective environmental monitoring, and care and maintenance programs at these sites and provides tools to demonstrate compliance with all environmental performance criteria.
Bienvenu, L. (1994). Activites de recherche du ministere des Ressources naturelles du Quebec sur le drainage minier acide; activites realisees dans le cadre de l'Entente auxiliaire Canada-Quebec 1992-1998 sur le developpement mineral; rapport 1993-1994. Research activities of Quebec Natural Resources Ministry on acid mine drainage; research related to the Canada-Quebec agreement 1992-1998 on mineral development; report 1993-1994.