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Dempsey, B. A., & Jeon, B. - H. (2001). Characteristics of sludge produced from passive treatment of mine drainage. Geochem.-Explor. Environ. Anal., 1(1), 89–94.
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Faulkner, B. B., Skousen, J. G., Skousen, J. G., & Ziemkiewicz, P. F. (1996). Treatment of acid mine drainage by passive treatment systems. In Acid mine drainage control and treatment. Morgantown: West Virginia University and the National Mine Land Reclamation Center.
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Hill, R. D. (1974). Overview of use of carbonate rocks for controlling acid mine drainage.
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Jage, C. R., & Zipper, C. E. (2000). Acid-mine drainage treatment using successive alkalinity-producing systems. Powell River Project research and education program reports.
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Karathanasis, A. D., & Barton, C. D. (1999). The revival of a failed constructed wetland treating a high Fe load AMD. In K. S. Sajwan, A. K. Alva, & R. F. Keefer (Eds.), Proceedings; biogeochemistry of trace elements in coal and coal combustion byproducts. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
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