(1995). Selecting Mine Drainage Treatment Systems. E&Mj-Engineering and Mining Journal, 196(10), Rr24–&.
Al, T. A. (1996). Storm-water hydrograph separation of run off from a mine-tailings impoundment formed by thickened tailings discharge at Kidd Creek, Timmins, Ontario. Journal of Hydrology, 180(1-4), 55–78.
Abstract: The Kidd Creek Cu-Zn sulphide mine is located near Timmins, Ontario. Mill tailings are thickened and deposited as a thickened slurry in a circular, conical-shaped pile with an area of approximately 1200 ha. Deposition of tailings as a thickened slurry results in a relatively uniform grain-size distribution and hydraulic conductivity, and a thick tension-saturated zone above the water table. The tailings are drained by numerous small, ephemeral stream channels, which have developed in a radial pattern. During storms, water from these streams collects in catchment ponds where it is held before treatment. The contribution of tailings pore water to the run off is of interest because of the potential for discharge of pore water containing high concentrations of Fe(II)-acidity, metals and SO4 to the stream. Hydraulic head measurements, measurements of water-table elevation and groundwater how modelling were conducted to determine the mechanisms responsible for tailings pore water entering the surface streams. Chemical hydrograph separation of storm run off in one of these streams, during three rainfall events, using Na and Cl as conservative tracers, indicates that the integrated tailings pore water fraction makes up between less than 1% and 20% of the total hydrograph. This range is less than the maximum fraction of tailings pore water of 22-65% reported for run off from a conventional tailings deposit. At this site, preferential flow through permeable fractures may be the dominant mechanism causing discharge of tailings pore water to storm run off. Estimates of the mass of Fe(II) that discharges to the surface run off from the pore water range up to 2800 mg s(-1) during a moderate intensity, long duration rainfall event. The greatest potential for discharge of significant masses of solutes derived from the pore water exists during long duration rainfall events, when the water table rises to the surface over large areas of the tailings impoundment.
Angelos, M. A. F. (2000). Rehabilitation options for a Finnish copper mine. International Conference on Practical Applications in Environmental Geotechnology Ecogeo 2000, 204, 207–214.
Abstract: The Luikonlahti Copper mine is located near the town of Kaavi in eastern Finland, approximately 30 km northwest of Outokumpu. The copper sulphide ore deposit formed the northern most part of the Outokumpu assemblage. During 15 years of operation, between 1968 and 1983, a total of 33 km of underground tunnels and 5.5 km of underground shafts were excavated in the mining of 6.85 million metric tons of ore. The underground working are now flooded with 2 million m(3) of contaminated water and three open pits contain over 1 million m(3) of contaminated water. Five separate waste rock piles exist and are actively forming acid mine drainage (AMD).
Arnekleiv, J. V. (1995). Downstream Effects Of Mine Drainage On Benthos And Fish In A Norwegian River – A Comparison Of The Situation Before And After River Rehabilitation. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 52(1-2), 35–43.
Abstract: Parts of the Norwegian river Gaula are strongly polluted from former mining activity in the area. In the most polluted parts of the river the concentration levels of Cu and Zn in 1986-1987 were up to 155 mug l-1 and 186 mug l-1, respectively. In 1989 the spoil heaps in the mining area were covered with protective layers of moss-covered plastic. In 1991-1992 the concentration levels of Cu and Zn had decreased by 75% and 65%, respectively. Animal life in the polluted area seemed to be strongly affected by the trace metals in 1986-1987. The 1991-1992 results showed a marked increase in the number of species and in the number of individuals of each species of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera, compared with the results from 1986-87. Good correlations were found between the concentrations of Cu in the water and both the number of species and the number of individuals of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. Analysis of the species Baetis rhodani, Diura nanseni and Rhyacophila nubila showed an average total dry weight content of Cu up to 264 mug g-1, of Zn up to 1930 mug g-1 and of Cd up to 16 mug g-1. The contents of the three trace metals were significantly different from one species to another and in part between the stations for each species. In 1987 trout died after an exposure of one to two days on three test sites in the river, whereas in 1991-1992 40-75% of the trout survived an exposure period of several weeks at two of the sites. Electrofishing in 1991-1992 indicated recolonization of trout in the lower parts of the former affected and uninhabitable area.
Aube, B. C. (2000). Molybdenum treatment at Brenda Mines. ICARD 2000, Vols I and II, Proceedings, , 1113–1119.
Abstract: Brenda Mines, located 22 km Northwest of Peachland in British Columbia, Canada was an open pit copper-molybdenum mine which closed in 1990 after 20 years of operation. The primary concern in Brenda's tailings and waste rock drainage is molybdenum at a concentration of approximately 3 mg/L.. The mine drainage is alkaline and contains little or none of the typically problematic heavy metals. Given that the waters downstream are used for municipal water supply and some irrigation, a discharge limit of 0.25 mg/L molybdenum was imposed with specific water quality guidelines in the receiving creek. A. review of all existing and potential molybdenum removal methods was undertaken prior to mine closure. The chosen process is a two-step iron co-precipitation with clarification and sand filtration at a slightly acidic pH. A 4,000 usgpm (912 m(3)/h) treatment plant was constructed and commissioned in 1998, at a cost of $10.5M. The successful removal of molybdenum from the drainage water is explained with details on some design innovations and operational challenges encountered during plant start-up. Investigated sludge disposal options are discussed although the long term disposal scenario has not yet been finalised.