Faulkner, B. B., Skousen, J. G., Skousen, J. G., & Ziemkiewicz, P. F. (1996). Treatment of acid mine drainage by passive treatment systems. In Acid mine drainage control and treatment. Morgantown: West Virginia University and the National Mine Land Reclamation Center.
Rees, B., Bowell, R., Dey, M., & Williams, K. (2001). Passive treatment; a walk away solution? Mining Environmental Management, 9(2), 7–8.
Swoboda-Colberg, N., Colberg, P., & Smith, J. L. (1994). Constructed vertical flow aerated wetlands.
Abstract: In the report, wetland technology is described in which the main reactive layer is limestone gravel (rather than organic material) which is overlain by a fine gravel filter and soil. The three-year project included laboratory and field studies. Vertical aerated wetlands, simulated by columns, constructed in the field and in the laboratory, were operated during the project. The report presents a summary of results given in previous reports and summaries of results obtained using water from Butte, MT, and field studies at the Rockford Tunnel, near Idaho Springs, CO.