Blowes, D. W., Ptacek, C. J., Benner, S. G., McRae, C. W. T., & Puls, R. W. (1998). Treatment of dissolved metals using permeable reactive barriers. Groundwater Quality: Remediation and Protection, (250), 483–490.
Abstract: Permeable reactive barriers are a promising new approach to the treatment of dissolved contaminants in aquifers. This technology has progressed rapidly from laboratory studies to full-scale implementation over the past decade. Laboratory treatability studies indicate the potential for treatment of a large number of inorganic contaminants, including As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, Tc, U, V, NO3, PO4, and SO4. Small scale field studies have indicated the potential for treatment of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, NO3, PO4, and SO4. Permeable reactive barriers have been used in full-scale installations for the treatment of hexavalent chromium, dissolved constituents associated with acid-mine drainage, including SO4, Fe, Ni, Co and Zn, and dissolved nutrients, including nitrate and phosphate. A full-scale barrier designed to prevent the release of contaminants associated with inactive mine tailings impoundment was installed at the Nickel Rim mine site in Canada in August 1995. This reactive barrier removes Fe, SO,, Ni and other metals. The effluent from the barrier is neutral in pH and contains no acid-generating potential, and dissolved metal concentrations are below regulatory guidelines. A full-scale reactive barrier was installed to treat Cr(VI) and halogenated hydrocarbons at the US Coast Guard site in Elizabeth City, North Carolina, USA in June 1996. This barrier removes Cr(VI) from >8 mg l(-1) to <0.01 mg l(-1).