Van Hille, R. P., Boshoff, G. A., Rose, P. D., & Duncan, J. R. (1999). A continuous process for the biological treatment of heavy metal contaminated acid mine water. Resour. Conserv. Recycl., 27(1-2), 157–167.
Abstract: Alkaline precipitation of heavy metals from acidic water streams is a popular and long standing treatment process. While this process is efficient it requires the continuous addition of an alkaline material, such as lime. In the long term or when treating large volumes of effluent this process becomes expensive, with costs in the mining sector routinely exceeding millions of rands annually. The process described below utilises alkalinity generated by the alga Spirulina sp., in a continuous system to precipitate heavy metals. The design of the system separates the algal component from the metal containing stream to overcome metal toxicity. The primary treatment process consistently removed over 99% of the iron (98.9 mg/l) and between 80 and 95% of the zinc (7.16 mg/l) and lead (2.35 mg/l) over a 14-day period (20 l effluent treated). In addition the pH of the raw effluent was increased from 1.8 to over 7 in the post-treatment stream. Secondary treatment and polishing steps depend on the nature of the effluent treated. In the case of the high sulphate effluent the treated stream was passed into an anaerobic digester at a rate of 4 l/day. The combination of the primary and secondary treatments effected a removal of over 95% of all metals tested for as well as a 90% reduction in the sulphate load. The running cost of such a process would be low as the salinity and nutrient requirements for the algal culture could be provided by using tannery effluent or a combination of saline water and sewage. This would have the additional benefit of treating either a tannery or sewage effluent as part of an integrated process.
Benkovics, I., Csicsák, J., Csövári, M., Lendvai, Z., & Molnár, J. (1997). Mine Water Treatment – Anion-exchange and Membrane Process. Proceedings, 6th International Mine Water Association Congress, Bled, Slovenia, 1, 149–157.
(2002). The BioSulphide Process to treat acid mine drainage and Anaconda tailings at Caribou Mine, New Brunswick (Vol. 2002-3).
Rukin, N. (2003). Whittle mine water treatment system: In-river attenuation of manganese. Land Contam. Reclam., 11(2), 137–144.
Abstract: Much work has been undertaken on the design of treatment systems to remove iron from ochreous mine water discharges. Unlike iron, manganese removal is far more difficult and generally requires active chemical dosing rather than passive treatment. The need for manganese removal can therefore significantly change the economics, management attention and sustainability of a site. Understanding natural attenuation of manganese in river systems is therefore key to deciding whether (active) manganese treatment is needed to protect downstream receptors. Nuttall (2002, this volume) describes the effectiveness of the passive treatment system at Whittle in reducing both iron and manganese concentrations in ochreous mine waters. This paper discusses the results of in-river monitoring and provides evidence for manganese removal downstream of the discharge point. In addition to dilution, attenuation appears to be in the order of 20 to 50%, depending on relative rates of mine water discharge and river flows. Such attenuation means that active treatment may not be needed for the long-term operation of the Whittle scheme. Operation of the scheme commenced in July 2002, with monitoring to further examine evidence for manganese attenuation and any impact on the ecology of the recipient watercourses.
Wiseman, I. M., Rutt, G. P., & Edwards, P. J. (2004). Constructed wetlands for minewater treatment: Environmental benefits and ecological recovery. Water and Environment Journal, 18(3), 133–138.
Abstract: The ecology of the River Pelenna (in South Wales) was impoverished by polluted discharges from abandoned coal mines. A series of passive constructed wetlands was created in order to treat these discharges and to improve the ecology of the river. A three-year Environment Agency R&D project investigated the performance, environmental benefits and sustainability of the constructed wetlands. It showed that the treatment systems were removing most of the iron contamination. In the reaches downstream from the minewaters, the dissolved-iron concentration quickly dropped below the target level. Invertebrate abundance, trout and riverine bird populations increased in following years. However, occasional overflows from the systems have significantly affected the ecology of one stretch of river The research work has provided an insight into the potential for ecological recovery associated with future minewater treatment.