Al, T. A. (1996). Storm-water hydrograph separation of run off from a mine-tailings impoundment formed by thickened tailings discharge at Kidd Creek, Timmins, Ontario. Journal of Hydrology, 180(1-4), 55–78.
Abstract: The Kidd Creek Cu-Zn sulphide mine is located near Timmins, Ontario. Mill tailings are thickened and deposited as a thickened slurry in a circular, conical-shaped pile with an area of approximately 1200 ha. Deposition of tailings as a thickened slurry results in a relatively uniform grain-size distribution and hydraulic conductivity, and a thick tension-saturated zone above the water table. The tailings are drained by numerous small, ephemeral stream channels, which have developed in a radial pattern. During storms, water from these streams collects in catchment ponds where it is held before treatment. The contribution of tailings pore water to the run off is of interest because of the potential for discharge of pore water containing high concentrations of Fe(II)-acidity, metals and SO4 to the stream. Hydraulic head measurements, measurements of water-table elevation and groundwater how modelling were conducted to determine the mechanisms responsible for tailings pore water entering the surface streams. Chemical hydrograph separation of storm run off in one of these streams, during three rainfall events, using Na and Cl as conservative tracers, indicates that the integrated tailings pore water fraction makes up between less than 1% and 20% of the total hydrograph. This range is less than the maximum fraction of tailings pore water of 22-65% reported for run off from a conventional tailings deposit. At this site, preferential flow through permeable fractures may be the dominant mechanism causing discharge of tailings pore water to storm run off. Estimates of the mass of Fe(II) that discharges to the surface run off from the pore water range up to 2800 mg s(-1) during a moderate intensity, long duration rainfall event. The greatest potential for discharge of significant masses of solutes derived from the pore water exists during long duration rainfall events, when the water table rises to the surface over large areas of the tailings impoundment.
Li, L., Jiang, Y., & Guo, Y. (1999). Research on a comprehensive industrialization technology for the treatment of mining water containing sulfate ions. Meitian Dizhi Yu Kantan = Coal Geology & Exploration, 27(6), 51–53.
Abstract: A method using a barium reagent was developed for the purification of the higher-sulphate mine water.
Skousen, J., & Jenkins, M. (2001). Acid mine drainage treatment costs with calcium oxide and the Aquafix machine. Green Lands, 31(3), 46–51.
Bell, A. V., & Nancarrow, D. R. (1974). Salmon and mining in northeastern New Brunswick (a summary of the northeastern New Brunswick mine water quality program). CIM Bull., 67(751), 44–53.
Abstract: It was aimed toward developing solutions to major water quality problems in the base metal mining regions of northeastern New Brunswick and specifically toward insuring that the extremely valuable fishery resources and aquatic environments of the region could be maintained in the face of existing and future base metal mining developments. The program analyzed in detail the fishery resources of the region, their water quality requirements, the mineral resources of the region and the many aspects of mining waste management at each phase of mine development. This paper describes the reasons for the initial concern and the approach adopted toward finding a solution. It briefly summarizes the important findings and recommendations made to support the conclusion that the fishery resource can be maintained and co-exist with current and future base metal mining developments in the region
Barton, C. D., & Karathanasis, A. D. (1998). Aerobic and anaerobic metal attenuation processes in a constructed wetland treating acid mine drainage. Environ Geosci, 5(2), 43–56.