Arnekleiv, J. V. (1995). Downstream Effects Of Mine Drainage On Benthos And Fish In A Norwegian River – A Comparison Of The Situation Before And After River Rehabilitation. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 52(1-2), 35–43.
Abstract: Parts of the Norwegian river Gaula are strongly polluted from former mining activity in the area. In the most polluted parts of the river the concentration levels of Cu and Zn in 1986-1987 were up to 155 mug l-1 and 186 mug l-1, respectively. In 1989 the spoil heaps in the mining area were covered with protective layers of moss-covered plastic. In 1991-1992 the concentration levels of Cu and Zn had decreased by 75% and 65%, respectively. Animal life in the polluted area seemed to be strongly affected by the trace metals in 1986-1987. The 1991-1992 results showed a marked increase in the number of species and in the number of individuals of each species of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera, compared with the results from 1986-87. Good correlations were found between the concentrations of Cu in the water and both the number of species and the number of individuals of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. Analysis of the species Baetis rhodani, Diura nanseni and Rhyacophila nubila showed an average total dry weight content of Cu up to 264 mug g-1, of Zn up to 1930 mug g-1 and of Cd up to 16 mug g-1. The contents of the three trace metals were significantly different from one species to another and in part between the stations for each species. In 1987 trout died after an exposure of one to two days on three test sites in the river, whereas in 1991-1992 40-75% of the trout survived an exposure period of several weeks at two of the sites. Electrofishing in 1991-1992 indicated recolonization of trout in the lower parts of the former affected and uninhabitable area.
Janiak, H. (1992). Mine drainage treatment in Polish lignite mining. Mine Water Env., 11(1), 35–44.
Abstract: The paper presents volumes and characteristics of water discharged from some Polish lignite open pit mines and discusses methods for its treatment. Results of research work concerned with increase in mine drainage efficiency by using processes of radiation, flocculation and filtration through a set of bog plants, iknown as grass filter are also discussed
Gusek, J. J. (2005). Design challenges for large scale sulfate reducing bioreactors. Contaminated Soils, Sediments and Water: Science in the Real World, Vol 9, 9, 33–44.
Abstract: The first large-scale (1,200 gpm capacity), sulfate-reducing; bioreactor (SRBR) was constructed in 1996 to treat water from an underground lead mine in Missouri. Other large-scale SRBR systems have been built elsewhere since then. This technology holds much promise for economically treating heavy metals and has progressed steadily from the laboratory to industrial applications. Scale-up challenges include: designing for seasonal temperature variations, minimizing short circuits, changes in metal loading rate s, storm water impacts, and resistance to vandalism. However, the biggest challenge may be designing for the progressive biological degradation of the organic substrate and its effects on the hydraulics of the SRBR cells.
Landers, J. (2006). Bioremediation method could cut cost of treating acid rock drainage. Civil Engineering, 76(7), 30–31.
Abstract: The Gilt Edge Mine in South Dakota's Lawrence County was a gold mine that was abandoned later when its recent owner went bankrupt. Seeking a cost-effective method for treating millions of gallons of acid rock drainage (ARD), CDM partnered with Green World Science, Inc. (GWS) of Boise, Idaho, for the development of an in situ bioremediation process that can be used to remove metals from pit lake water. Recent testing revealed that the in situ bioremediation method can successfully remove metals from highly acidic water without the need to construct costly water treatment facilities.
Lovell, H. L. (1971). Limestone Treatment Of Coal Mine Drainage. Min. Congr. J., 57(10), 28–&.