Ball, B. R. (1996). Advanced oxidation treatment of mine drainage. Second International Symposium on Extraction and Processing for the Treatment and Minimization of Wastes – 1996, , 363–376.
Abstract: An investigation of the effects of ozone and ozone-induced hydroxyl radical on reducing whole affluent toxicity is described and discussed relative to the application of ozone for industrial water treatment. Results from operation of an ozone system treating industrial affluent from a lead and zinc mine in Colorado are presented. The mine discharges 1,000 gpm of wastewater into a tributary of the Arkansas River and has historically exceeded Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) limits and on occasion has exceeded numeric limits for copper, ammonia, and cyanide. Based on results of a Toxicity Identification Evaluation (TIE) conducted on the effluent and individual process waste streams, the source of effluent toxicity is believed to be primarily associated with organic reagents used in the milling process.
Blowes, D. W., Bain, J. G., Smyth, D. J., Ptacek, C. J., Jambor, J. L., Blowes, D. W., et al. (2003). Treatment of mine drainage using permeable reactive materials. Environmental Aspects of Mine Wastes, 31, 361–376.
Murray-Gulde, C. L. (). Contributions of Schoenoplectus californicus in a constructed wetland system receiving copper contaminated wastewater. Water, Air, Soil Pollut., 163(1-4), 355–378.
Abstract: Functional roles of Schoenoplectus californicus, giant bulrush, were evaluated in an 3.2 ha (8-acre) constructed wetland treatment system receiving copper-contaminated water. The constructed wetland used in this research was designed to decrease bioavailable copper concentrations in a wastestream and eliminate associated toxicity to downstream biota by exploiting the thermodynamic processes responsible for copper speciation. This was achieved by integrating carbon, sulfur and copper biogeochemical cycles. In this system, S. californicus, which represents an integral part of the carbon cycle, provides a physical, chemical and biological role in removing metals from the aqueous phase. The specific contributions of S. californicus in this system are to provide a sustainable carbon source for removal of copper by (1) provision of an organic ligand for sorption of copper entering the system, (2) production of organic ligands through growth of S. californicus, (3) accretion of organic ligands over time due to decomposition of S. californicus detritus, and (4) use of organic carbon as an energy source for dissimilatory sulfate production. Shoots and roots of viable S. californicus sorbed 0.88% and 5.88%, respectively, of copper entering the system. The half-life of S. californicus detritus in the constructed wetland system was approximately 184 d, indicating that sufficient detritus will accrete over time, providing binding sites for copper and an energy source for bacterial metabolic processes that contribute to copper immobilization in wetland systems.
Tarutis Jr, W. J., Stark, L. R., & Williams, F. M. (1999). Sizing and performance estimation of coal mine drainage wetlands. Ecological Engineering, 12(3-4), 353–372.
Abstract: The effectiveness of wetland treatment of acid mine drainage (AMD) was assessed using three measures of performance: treatment efficiency, area-adjusted removal, and first-order removal. Mathematical relationships between these measures were derived from simple kinetic equations. Area-adjusted removal is independent of pollutant concentration (zero-order reaction kinetics), while first-order removal is dependent on concentration. Treatment efficiency is linearly related to area-adjusted removal and exponentially related to first-order removal at constant hydraulic loading rates (flow/area). Examination of previously published data from 35 natural AMD wetlands revealed that statistically significant correlations exist between several of the performance measures for both iron and manganese removal, but these correlations are potentially spurious because these measures are derived from, and are mathematical rearrangements of, the same operating data. The use of treatment efficiency as a measure of performance between wetlands is not recommended because it is a relative measure that does not account for influent concentration differences. Area-adjusted removal accounts for mass loading effects, but it fails to separate the flow and concentration components, which is necessary if removal is first-order. Available empirical evidence suggests that AMD pollutant removal is better described by first-order kinetics. If removal is first-order, the use of area-adjusted rates for determining the wetland area required for treating relatively low pollutant concentrations will result in undersized wetlands. The effects of concentration and flow rate on wetland area predictions for constant influent loading rates also depend on the kinetics of pollutant removal. If removal is zero-order, the wetland area required to treat a discharge to meet some target effluent concentration is a decreasing linear function of influent concentration (and an inverse function of flow rate). However, if removal is first-order, the required wetland area is a non-linear function of the relative influent concentration. Further research is needed for developing accurate first-order rate constants as a function of influent water chemistry and ecosystem characteristics in order to successfully apply the first-order removal model to the design of more effective AMD wetland treatment systems.
Konieczny, K. (2003). Mining waters treatment for drinking and economic aims. VI National Polish Scientific Conference on Complex and Detailed Problems of Environmental Engineering, 21, 333–348.
Abstract: Poland is comparatively a poor country in relation to resources of drinking water. In count per capita it is oil one of the last places in Europe. Such state forces to save resources for example by closing water circulations and also desalination of mining waters.