Edraki, M. (2006). Post closure management of the Mt Leyshon Gold Mine – Water the integrator. Water in Mining 2006, Proceedings, , 233–242.
Abstract: Mining at the Mt Leyshon Gold Mine in semi-arid north Queensland stopped in 2002. Newmont Australia has recently initiated a thorough post-closure water management study of the site by revisiting the existing information and conducting new water-related investigations. The focus of this paper. which is the first publication on post-closure environmental management of the site. is an overview of the site water quality in view of the sources and spatial distribution of polluted mine water, and also the performance of cover systems in controlling water flux though mine wastes.
Wiseman, I. M., Edwards, P. J., & Rutt, G. P. (2003). Recovery of an aquatic ecosystem following treatment of abandoned mine drainage with constructed wetlands. Land Contam. Reclam., 11(2), 221–230.
Abstract: Seven kilometres of the River Pelenna in South Wales were impacted for approximately 30 years by discharges from abandoned coal mines. Elevated iron and low pH caused significant ochreous staining and had detrimental effects on the river ecology. The River Pelenna Mine water project constructed a series of passive wetland treatment systems to treat these discharges. Monitoring of the performance and environmental benefits of these has been undertaken as part of an Environment Agency R&D project. This project has assessed the changes in water quality as well as monitoring populations of invertebrates, fish and birds between 1993 and 2001. Performance data from the wetlands show that on average the three systems are removing between 82 and 95% of the iron loading from the mine waters. In the rivers downstream, the dissolved iron concentration has dropped to below the Environmental Quality Standard (EQS) of 1 mg/L for the majority of the time. Increases in pH downstream of the discharges have also been demonstrated. Trout (Salmo trutta) recovered quickly following mine water treatment, returning the next year to areas that previously had no fish. Intermittent problems with overflows from the treatment systems temporarily depleted the numbers, but the latest data indicate a thriving population. The overflow problems and also background episodes of acidity have affected the recovery of the riverine invertebrates. However, there have been gradual improvements in the catchment, and in the summer of 2001 most sites held faunas which approached those found in unpolluted controls. Recovery of the invertebrate fauna is reflected in marked increases in the breeding success of riverine birds between 1996 and 2001. This study has shown that constructed wetlands can be an effective, low cost and sustainable solution to ecological damage caused by abandoned mine drainage.
Maniatis, T. (2005). Biological removal of arsenic from tailings pond water at Canadian mine. Arsenic Metallurgy, , 209–214.
Abstract: Applied Biosciences has developed a biological technology for removal of arsenic, nitrate, selenium, and other metals from mining and industrial waste waters. The ABMet((R)) technology was implemented at a closed gold mine site in Canada for removing arsenic from tailings pond water. The system included six bioreactors that began treating water in the spring of 2004. Design criteria incorporated a maximum flow of 567 L/min (150 gallons per minute) and water temperatures ranging from 10 degrees C to 15 degrees C. Influent arsenic concentrations range from 0.5 mg/L to 1.5 mg/L. The ABMet((R)) technology consistently removes arsenic to below detection limits (0.02 mg/L). Data from the full scale system will be presented, as well as regulatory requirements and site specific challenges.
Angelos, M. A. F. (2000). Rehabilitation options for a Finnish copper mine. International Conference on Practical Applications in Environmental Geotechnology Ecogeo 2000, 204, 207–214.
Abstract: The Luikonlahti Copper mine is located near the town of Kaavi in eastern Finland, approximately 30 km northwest of Outokumpu. The copper sulphide ore deposit formed the northern most part of the Outokumpu assemblage. During 15 years of operation, between 1968 and 1983, a total of 33 km of underground tunnels and 5.5 km of underground shafts were excavated in the mining of 6.85 million metric tons of ore. The underground working are now flooded with 2 million m(3) of contaminated water and three open pits contain over 1 million m(3) of contaminated water. Five separate waste rock piles exist and are actively forming acid mine drainage (AMD).
Zaluski, M. (1999). Design and construction of bioreactors with sulfate-reducing bacteria for acid mine drainage control. Phytoremediation and Innovative Strategies for Specialized Remedial Applications, , 205–210.
Abstract: At many abandoned mine sites in the Western U.S., conventional treatment of AMD is not feasible due to the of lack of power and limited site accessibility. Therefore, three bioreactors were built at an abandoned mine site in Montana to demonstrate feasibility of treating AMD using sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) in a passive water treatment train. The SRB are capable of increasing the pH and reducing the load of dissolved metals in the effluent. The reactors, constructed in the Fall of 1998, were designed to evaluate the SRB technology applied under different environmental conditions. Each bioreactor was designed with mechanisms to enable simulation of seasonal dry and wet climatic conditions. Two bioreactors were placed in trenches and one was constructed above the ground to investigate impact of seasonal freezing and thawing on SRB activity. Two bioreactors contain a passive pretreatment section to increase pH of water before the AMD enters the bioreactor chamber.