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Riveros, P. A. (1995). Applications of ion exchangers to the treatment of acid mine drainage. Sudbury '95 – Mining and the Environment, Conference Proceedings, Vols 1-3, , 441–449.
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Murdock, D. J. (1995). Treatment of acid mine drainage by the high density sludge process. Sudbury '95 – Mining and the Environment, Conference Proceedings, Vols 1-3, , 431–439.
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Magdziorz, A., & Sewerynski, J. (2000). The use of membrane technique in mineralised water treatment for drinking and domestic purposes at “Pokoj” coal mine district under liquidation. In A. Rozkowski (Ed.), 7th international Mine Water Association congress; Mine water and the environment (pp. 430–442). Sosnowiec: Uniwersytet Slaski.
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Macklin, M. G. (2006). A geomorphological approach to the management of rivers contaminated by metal mining. Geomorphology, 79(3-4), 423–447.
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Gobla, M. J. (2002). A rapid response to cleanup – Gilt Edge Superfund Site, South Dakota. Tailings and Mine Waste '02, , 421–425.
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