Chironis, N. P. (1987). Mine-built ponds economically clear acid mine waters. Coal Age, (1), 58–61.
Abstract: Bestimmte Wasserpflanzen in Teichen können Metalle aus sauren Grubenwässern binden durch Adsorption, Filtration und Einlagerung in Wurzeln und Blättern. Algen und oxydierende Bakterien unterstützen diesen Reinigungsprozeß. Angaben zur Anlage der Teiche: Durchflußkapazität 20 l/min bis 38 l/min, Spülung von 18 m(exp 2) pro 4 l Durchflußmenge, Wasserhöhe 5 cm bis 10 cm, der pH-Wert des austretenden Wassers ist größer als 4,0.
Dugan, P. R. (1987). Prevention of formation of acid drainage from high-sulfur coal refuse by inhibition of iron- and sulfur-oxidizing microorganisms. II. Inhibition in run of mine refuse under simulated field conditions. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 29(1), 6.
Marquardt, K. (1987). Muelldeponie-Sickerabwasseraufbereitung unter Anwendung der Membrantechnik. Waste disposal-seepage waters processing by use of the membrane technique Zeitgemaesse Deponietechnik. In Stuttgarter Berichte zur Abfallwirtschaft, vol.24 (pp. 187–234).
Abstract: Seepage waters from waste disposal sites are highly polluted waste waters. Waste water treatment methods such as flocculation, sedimentation, or biological treatment being usual up to now are no longer adequate to purify these waters. That is why this article investigates modern techniques such as ultra-filtration, reverse osmosis, vaporization, stripping. The following combination has proved to be effective: membrane method (two-stage reverse osmosis with tubular and package modul) for pre- and reprocessing, vaporization for solidifying the solvents, stripping in order to extract volatile matter. Methodology, usability and results are introduced and illustrated here in detail.
Murayama, T. (1987). Application Of Immobilized Thiobacillus-Ferrooxidans For Large-Scale Treatment Of Acid-Mine Drainage. Methods Enzymol., 136, 530–540.
Norris, R. H. (1987). Effectiveness Of Mine Rehabilitation In Relation To Water-Quality. Acta Biologica Hungarica, 38(1), 127–139.
Abstract: When mining is completed the sites may be completely restored to the originalecosystem, rehabilitated for some desirable environmental characteristics, desirable alternative ecosystemscreated or just neglected. The strategy adopted will depend on the intended uses of the parts of theenvironment (including water) affected by the mining. An example of rehabilitation of a metal mine nearthe Australian Federal Capital is used to illustrate the problems that may be encountered. These include:lack of controls while mining is underway; catastrophic events, such as the collapse of a settling dam,lack of site specific understanding of pyrite oxidation processes, particularly those that are biologicallyenhanced; the need for adequate biological information on which to base decisions to meet biologicalinformation on which to base decisions to meet biological objectives. Experience has shown that biologicalcollections such studies should be stored in museums where they will be valuable for comparisons of changesover long periods.