Catalan, L. J. J., & Yin, G. (2003). Comparison of calcite to quicklime for amending partially oxidized sulfidic mine tailings before flooding. Environ Sci Technol, 37(7), 1408–1413.
Abstract: Flooding partially oxidized mine tailings for the purpose of mitigating further oxidation of sulfide minerals and generation of acid drainage is generally preceded by treatment with alkaline amendments to prevent releasing previously accumulated acidity to the water cover. This work compares the ability of calcite (CaCO3) and quicklime (CaO), two common amendments, to establish and maintain pH conditions and dissolved metal concentrations within environmentally acceptable ranges over long time periods. Although higher initial pH values were obtained with quicklime, the pH of quicklime treated tailings decreased over time. This was attributed to the low buffering capacity of quicklime treated tailings and to the consumption of hydroxide ions by incongruent dissolution of water-insoluble iron oxyhydroxysulfate minerals. In contrast, the pH of tailings treated with calcite increased initially and then remained stable at pH approximate to 6.7. This pH behavior was due to the lower reactivity of iron oxyhydroxysulfates with calcite, the increased buffering capacity provided by bicarbonate ions, and the incomplete dissolution of calcite. Overall, calcite was found preferable to quicklime for maintaining long-term neutral pH conditions in the treated tailings. With the exception of zinc, acceptable dissolved metal concentrations were achieved with calcite treated tailings.
Laine, D. M., & Jarvis, A. P. (2003). Design aspects of passive in situ remediation schemes for minign & industrial effluents. Tübinger Geowissenschaftliche Arbeiten, C68, 95–113.
Laine, D. M., & Jarvis, A. P. (2003). Engineering design aspects of passive in situ remediation of mining effluents. Land Contam. Reclam., 11(2), 113–126.
Abstract: Passive treatment of contaminated effluents can offer a 'low cost' management opportunity to remediate drainages to the standards required by enforcement agencies. However, the initial cost of construction of passive treatment systems is significant and often in excess of that for active treatment systems. It is therefore important that the engineering design of the passive systems produces an effective and efficient scheme to enable the construction and maintenance costs to be minimised as far as possible. Possible parameters for the design of passive systems are suggested to seek to obtain uniformity in size and layout of treatment elements where this may be possible. Passive treatment systems include aeration systems, sedimentation ponds, aerobic and anaerobic wetlands, anoxic limestone drains and reducing alkalinity producing systems. Most active treatment systems also include passive elements in the treatment stream. The basic design considerations that should be considered to ensure the construction of efficient systems are discussed.
Bilek, F., Werner, F., & Schöpke, R. (2003). Experimentelle und modellgestützte Entwicklung von Verfahren zur geochemischen Grundwasser- und Untergrundbehandlung zur Gefahrenabwehr im Nordraum des Senftenberger Sees.544.
Ziemkiewicz, P. F., Skousen, J. G., & Simmons, J. (2003). Long-term Performance of Passive Acid Mine Drainage Treatment Systems. Mine Water Env., 22(3), 118–129.
Abstract: State and federal reclamation programs, mining operators, and citizen-based watershed organizations have constructed hundreds of passive systems in the eastern U.S. over the past 20 years to provide reliable, low cost, low maintenance mine water treatment in remote locations. While performance has been reported for individual systems, there has not been a comprehensive evaluation of the performance of each treatment type for a wide variety of conditions. We evaluated 83 systems: five types in eight states. Each system was monitored for influent and effluent flow, pH, net acidity, and metal concentrations. Performance was normalized among types by calculating acid load reductions and removals, and by converting construction cost, projected service life, and metric tonnes of acid load treated into cost per tonne of acid treated. Of the 83 systems, 82 reduced acid load. Average acid load reductions were 9.9 t/yr for open limestone channels (OLC), 10.1 t/yr for vertical flow wetlands (VFW), 11.9 t/yr for anaerobic wetlands (AnW), 16.6 t/yr for limestone leach beds (LSB), and 22.2 t/yr for anoxic limestone drains (ALD). Average costs for acid removal varied from $83/t/yr for ALDs to $527 for AnWs. Average acid removals were 25 g/m2/day for AnWs, 62 g/m2/day for VFWs, 22 g/day/t for OLCs, 28 g/day/t for LSBs, and 56 g/day/t for ALDs. It appears that the majority of passive systems are effective but there was wide variation within each system type, so improved reliability and efficiency are needed. This report is an initial step in determining passive treatment system performance; additional work is needed to refine system designs and monitoring.