Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication  |
Volume |
Pages |
Haferkorn, B.; Mueller, M.; Zeh, E.; Benthaus, F.K.; Pester, L.; Lietzow, A.; Mansel, H.; Weber, H.; Franke, K.; Gelessius, G. |
1999 |
Emerick, J.C.; Wildeman, T.R.; Cohen, R.R.; Klusman, R.W. |
Constructed wetland treatment of acid mine discharge at Idaho Springs, Colorado Guidebook on the geology, history, and surface-water contamination and remediation in the area from Denver to Idaho Springs, Colorado |
1994 |
C 1097 |
Earley, D., III; Schmidt, R.D.; Kim, K. |
Is sustainable mining an oxymoron? |
1997 |
Bowell, R.J.; Connelly, R.J.; Ellis, J.; Cowan, J.; Wood, A.; Barta, J.; Edwards, P. |
A review of sulfate removal options from mine waters |
1997 |
Bloom, N.S.; Preus, E.; Kilner, P.I.; von der Geest, E.; Hensman, C.E. |
Very efficient removal of toxic metals from acid mine drainage water (Berkeley Pit, Montana) with a recycled alkaline industrial waste product Hardrock mining 2002; issues shaping the industry |
2002 |