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Author Title (up) Year Publication Volume Pages
Jarvis, A.P.; Younger, P.L. Design, construction and performance of a full-scare compost wetland for mine-spoil drainage treatment at quaking houses 1999 Jciwem 13 313-318
Younger, P.L. Holistic remedial strategies for short- and long-term water pollution from abandoned mines 2000 Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Section a-Mining Technology 109 A210-A218
Younger, P.L.; Cornford, C. Mine water pollution from Kernow to Kwazulu-Natal; geochemical remedial options and their selection in practice 2002
Dumpleton, S. Mitigation of minewater pollution; the need for research, monitoring and prevention 1998 Earthwise (Keyworth) 12 12-13
Banks, S.B. The Coal Authority Minewater Treatment Programme: An update on the performance of operational schemes 2003 Land Contam. Reclam. 11 161-164