Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
Arnekleiv, J.V.; Storset, L. |
Downstream effects of mine drainage on benthos and fish in a Norwegian river; a comparison of the situation before and after river rehabilitation |
1995 |
Heavy metal aspects of mining pollution and its remediation |
52 |
35-43 |
Banks, S.B.; Banks, D. |
Abandoned mines drainage; impact assessment and mitigation of discharges from coal mines in the UK |
2001 |
Geoenvironmental engineering Engineering Geology |
31-37 |
Johnson, D.B.; Hallberg, K.B. |
Acid mine drainage remediation options: a review |
2005 |
Science of the Total Environment |
338 |
3-14 |
Younger, P.L. |
Holistic remedial strategies for short- and long-term water pollution from abandoned mines |
2000 |
Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Section a-Mining Technology |
109 |
A210-A218 |
Younger, P.L.; Neal, C.; House, W.A.; Leeks, G.J.L.; Marker, A.H. |
The longevity of minewater pollution; a basis for decision-making U.K. fluxes to the North Sea; Land Ocean Interaction Study (LOIS); river basins research, the first two years |
1997 |
The Science of the Total Environment |
194-195 |
457-466 |