Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Skousen, J.; Jenkins, M. |
Acid mine drainage treatment costs with calcium oxide and the Aquafix machine |
2001 |
Green Lands |
31 |
46-51 |
Skousen, J.; Rose, A.; Geidel, G.; Foreman, J.; Evans, R.; Hellier, W. |
A handbook of technologies for avoidance and remediation of acid mine drainage |
1998 |
Yernberg, W.R. |
Improvements seen in acid-mine-drainage technology |
2000 |
Min. Eng. |
52 |
67-70 |
Ziemkiewicz, P.; Skousen, J.; Simmons, J. |
Cost benefit analysis of passive treatment systems |
2001 |
Ziemkiewicz, P.F.; Meek, F.A., Jr.; Skousen, J.G.; Ziemkiewicz, P.F. |
Long term behavior of acid forming rock; results of 11-year field studies |
1996 |
Acid mine drainage control and treatment |