Author |
Title |
Year  |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Gusek, J.J.; Wildeman, T.R. |
New developments in passive treatment of acid rock drainage Pollution prevention for process engineering |
1995 |
Ziemkiewicz, P.F.; Skousen, J.G.; Skousen, J.G.; Ziemkiewicz, P.F. |
Overview of acid mine drainage at-source control strategies |
1996 |
Acid mine drainage control and treatment |
Stewart, D.; Norman, T.; Cordery-Cotter, S.; Kleiner, R.; Sweeney, E.; Nelson, J.D. |
Utilization of a ceramic membrane for acid mine drainage treatment |
1997 |
Tailings and Mine Waste '97 |
453-460 |
Anonymous |
1998 |
118 pp |
Skousen, J.; Rose, A.; Geidel, G.; Foreman, J.; Evans, R.; Hellier, W. |
A handbook of technologies for avoidance and remediation of acid mine drainage |
1998 |