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Author Title (up) Year Publication Volume Pages
Ashby, J.C. Injecting alkaline lime sludge and FGD material into underground mines for acid abatement 2001
Lushnikova, O.Y. Kompleksirovaniye metodov tamponazha i biolokatsii dlya zashchity podzemnykh vod ot zagryazneniya i istoshcheniya. Combined methods of grouting and biolocation for protection of ground water from pollution and depletion 1996 Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Gornyy Zhurnal 1996 49-52
Janiak, H. Mine drainage treatment in Polish lignite mining 1992 Mine Water Env. 11 35-44
Chironis, N.P. Mine-built ponds economically clear acid mine waters 1987 Coal Age 58-61
Godard, M. Principes d'exhaure et de traitement des eaux chargees aux houilleres du bassin de Lorraine. Darstellung der Verfahren zur Wasserhaltung und zur Wasseraufbereitung in den Steinkohlengruben des Lothringer Beckens. Draining principles and treatment of water used in the Lorraine mining basin 1997 Mines et Carrieres 42-45