Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
Yernberg, W.R. |
Improvements seen in acid-mine-drainage technology |
2000 |
Min. Eng. |
52 |
67-70 |
Wingenfelder, U.; Hansen, C.; Furrer, G.; Schulin, R. |
Removal of heavy metals from mine waters by natural zeolites |
2005 |
Environ Sci Technol, ES & T |
39 |
4606-4613 |
Stoica, L.; Dima, G. |
Pb(II) removal from aqueous systems by biosorption-flotation on mycelial residues of Penicillium chrysogenum |
2000 |
7th international Mine Water Association congress; Mine water and the environment |
472-481 |
Schwartz, M.O.; Ploethner, D. |
From mine water to drinking water; heavy-metal removal by carbonate precipitation in the Grootfontein-Omatako Canal, Namibia |
1999 |
Niyogi, D.K.; McKnight, D.M.; Lewis, W.M., Jr.; Kimball, B.A. |
Experimental diversion of acid mine drainage and the effects on a headwater stream |
1999 |
Water-Resources Investigations Report |
Wri 99-4018-A |
123-130 |