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Author Title (up) Year Publication Volume Pages
Watzlaf, G.R.; Schroeder, K.T.; Kairies, C.L. 2000 262-274
Ordónez, A.; Loredo, J.; Pendás, F. 1999 575-580
Ziemkiewicz, P.F.; Skousen, J.G.; Brant, D.L.; Sterner, P.L.; Lovett, R.J.; Skousen, J.G.; Ziemkiewicz, P.F. Acid mine drainage treatment with armored limestone in open limestone channels 1996 Acid mine drainage control and treatment
Jage, C.R.; Zipper, C.E. Acid-mine drainage treatment using successive alkalinity-producing systems 2000
Dempsey, B.A.; Jeon, B.-H. Characteristics of sludge produced from passive treatment of mine drainage 2001 Geochem.-Explor. Environ. Anal. 1 89-94