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Author Title Year Publication Volume (down) Pages
Rabenhorst, M.C.; James, B.R. Acid mine drainage remediation via sulfidization in wetlands Fiscal year 1992 annual report 1993
Murdock, D.J.; Fox, J.R.W.; Bensley, J.G. Treatment of acid mine drainage by the high density sludge process 1994 Special Publication – United States. Bureau of Mines, Report: BUMINES-SP-06A-94 241-249
Miller, S.D. Overview of acid mine drainage issues and control strategies Remediation and management of degraded lands 1999
Kuyucak, N. 1999 599-606
Kringel, R. Untersuchungen zur Verminderung von Auswirkungen der Pyritoxidation in Abraumsedimenten des Rheinischen Braunkohlenreviers auf die Chemie des Grundwassers 1998 178