Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Barton, C.D.; Karathanasis, A.D. |
Aerobic and anaerobic metal attenuation processes in a constructed wetland treating acid mine drainage |
1998 |
Environ Geosci |
5 |
43-56 |
Bloom, N.S.; Preus, E.; Kilner, P.I.; von der Geest, E.; Hensman, C.E. |
Very efficient removal of toxic metals from acid mine drainage water (Berkeley Pit, Montana) with a recycled alkaline industrial waste product Hardrock mining 2002; issues shaping the industry |
2002 |
Blowes, D.W.; Bain, J.G.; Smyth, D.J.; Ptacek, C.J.; Jambor, J.L.; Blowes, D.W.; Ritchie, A.I.M. |
Treatment of mine drainage using permeable reactive materials |
2003 |
Environmental Aspects of Mine Wastes |
31 |
361-376 |
Calabrese, J.P.; Sexstone, A.J.; Bhumbla, D.K.; Skousen, J.G.; Bissonnette, G.K.; Sencindiver, J.C. |
Long-term study of constructed model wetlands for treatment of acid mine drainage |
1994 |
Special Publication – United States. Bureau of Mines, Report: BUMINES-SP-06B-94 |
406 |
Kingham, N.W.; Semenak, R.; Powell, G.; Way, S. |
Reverse osmosis coupled with chemical precipitation treatment of acid mine leachate at the Basin-Luttrell Pit, Ten Mile Creek Site, Lewis and Clark County, Montana Hardrock mining 2002; issues shaping the industry |
2002 |