Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Fraser, W.W.; Robertson, J.D. |
Subaqueous disposal of reactive mine waste; an overview and update of case studies; MEND, Canada |
1994 |
Special Publication – United States. Bureau of Mines, Report: BUMINES-SP-06A-94 |
250-259 |
Fricke, J.; Blickwedel, R.; Hagerty, P. |
Biotreatment of metal mine waste waters; case histories |
1997 |
Open-File Report – US Geological Survey |
Of 97-0496 |
25 |
Guo, F.; Yu, H. |
Hydrogeochemistry and treatment of acid mine drainage in southern China |
1993 |
Proceedings of the Annual National Meeting – American Society for Surface Mining and Reclamation, vol.10 |
277-283 |
Gusek, J.J.; Wildeman, T.R. |
New developments in passive treatment of acid rock drainage Pollution prevention for process engineering |
1995 |
Hazen, J.M. |
Acid mine drainage characterization and remediation using a combination of hydrometric measurements, isotopes and dissolved solutes |
2000 |