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Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Rees, B.; Bowell, R.; Dey, M.; Williams, K. Passive treatment; a walk away solution? 2001 Mining Environmental Management 9 7-8
Schoeman, J.J.; Steyn, A. Investigation into alternative water treatment technologies for the treatment of underground mine water discharged by Grootvlei Proprietary Mines Ltd into the Blesbokspruit in South Africa 2001 Desalination 133 13-30
Smit, J.P. Potable water from sulphate polluted mine sources 2000 Mining Environmental Management 8 7-9
St-Arnaud, L.C. Water covers for the decommissioning of sulfidic mine tailings impoundments 1994 Special Publication – United States. Bureau of Mines, Report: BUMINES-SP-06A-94 279-287
Stewart, B.R. The influence of fly ash additions on acid mine drainage production from coarse coal refuse 1996