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Mitchell, P.; Rybock, J.; Wheaton, A. Treatment and prevention of ARID using silica micro encapsulation 1999 Proceedings of the 16th annual National meeting of the American Society for Surface Mining and Reclamation; Mining and reclamation for the next millennium 657-661 details   openurl
Stoica, L.; Dima, G. Pb(II) removal from aqueous systems by biosorption-flotation on mycelial residues of Penicillium chrysogenum 2000 7th international Mine Water Association congress; Mine water and the environment 472-481 details   isbn
Magdziorz, A.; Sewerynski, J. The use of membrane technique in mineralised water treatment for drinking and domestic purposes at “Pokoj” coal mine district under liquidation 2000 7th international Mine Water Association congress; Mine water and the environment 430-442 details   isbn
Sato, D.; Tazaki, K. Calcification treatment of mine drainage and depositional formula of heavy metals 2000 Chikyu Kagaku = Earth Science 54 328-336 details   openurl
Smyth, D.J.A.; Blowes, D.W.; Benner, S.G.; Hulshof, A.M.; Nelson, J.D. In situ treatment of groundwater impacted by acid mine drainage using permeable reactive materials 2001 Proceedings of the Eighth international conference on Tailings and mine waste '01 313-322 details   isbn
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