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Schwartz, M.O.; Ploethner, D. |
From mine water to drinking water; heavy-metal removal by carbonate precipitation in the Grootfontein-Omatako Canal, Namibia |
1999 |
Kingham, N.W.; Semenak, R.; Powell, G.; Way, S. |
Reverse osmosis coupled with chemical precipitation treatment of acid mine leachate at the Basin-Luttrell Pit, Ten Mile Creek Site, Lewis and Clark County, Montana Hardrock mining 2002; issues shaping the industry |
2002 |
Jage, C.R.; Zipper, C.E. |
Acid-mine drainage treatment using successive alkalinity-producing systems |
2000 |
Isaacson, A.E.; Jeffers, T.H. |
Acid mine drainage remediation through applied water treatment systems Pollution prevention for process engineering |
1995 |
Aube, B.C.; Zinck, J.M. |
Comparison of AMD treatment processes and their impact on sludge characteristics |
1999 |