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Li, L.; Jiang, Y.; Guo, Y. Research on a comprehensive industrialization technology for the treatment of mining water containing sulfate ions 1999 Meitian Dizhi Yu Kantan = Coal Geology & Exploration 27 51-53 details   openurl
Mataix Gonzalez, C.; Escribano Bombin, M. Sistemas de control y tratamiento de drenajes acidos de minas. Control and treatment systems for acid mine drainage 1996 Ingeopres 42 15-18 details   openurl
Sato, D.; Tazaki, K. Calcification treatment of mine drainage and depositional formula of heavy metals 2000 Chikyu Kagaku = Earth Science 54 328-336 details   openurl
Matsuoka, I. Mine drainage treatment 1996 Shigen to Sozai = Journal of the Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan 112 273-281 details   openurl
Dillard, G. A win-win way to clean up by changing ionic state, new process can precipitate heavy metals 2000 Pay Dirt 734 10-11 details   openurl
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