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Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Laspidou, C.S. Constructed wetlands technology and water quality improvement: Recent advances 2005 Proceeding of the 9th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology Vol B – Poster Presentations B503-B508
Lawrence, R. Technology reduces sulphur compounds – A new way of treating acid mine drainage 2002 Canadian Mining Journal 123 27-27
Lee, B.H. Constructed wetlands: Treatment of concentrated storm water runoff (Part A) 2006 Environmental Engineering Science 23 320-331
Li, L.; Jiang, Y.; Guo, Y. Research on a comprehensive industrialization technology for the treatment of mining water containing sulfate ions 1999 Meitian Dizhi Yu Kantan = Coal Geology & Exploration 27 51-53
Limited, S.C. 1994 179 pp