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Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Masarczyk, J.; Hansson, C.H.; Solomon, R.L.; Hallmans, B. Desalination Plant at Kwk-debiensko, Poland – Advanced Mine Drainage Water-treatment Engineering for Zero Discharge 1989 Desalination 75 259-287
Mataix Gonzalez, C.; Escribano Bombin, M. Sistemas de control y tratamiento de drenajes acidos de minas. Control and treatment systems for acid mine drainage 1996 Ingeopres 42 15-18
Matlock, M.M.; Howerton, B.S.; Atwood, D.A. Chemical precipitation of heavy metals from acid mine drainage 2002 Water Res 36 4757-4764
Matsuoka, I. Mine drainage treatment 1996 Shigen to Sozai = Journal of the Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan 112 273-281
McGregor, R. The use of an in-situ porous reactive wall to remediate a heavy metal plume 2000 ICARD 2000, Vols I and II, Proceedings 1227-1232