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Author Title Year Publication Volume Pages (down)
Turek, M.; Gonet, M. Nanofiltration in the utilization of coal-mine brines 1997 Desalination 108 171-177
Evangelou, V.P. Pyrite microencapsulation technologies: Principles and potential field application 2001 Ecological Engineering 17 165-178
Juby, G.J.G. Desalination of calcium sulphate scaling mine water: Design and operation of the SPARRO process 1996 Water Sa 22 161-172
Banks, S.B. The Coal Authority Minewater Treatment Programme: An update on the performance of operational schemes 2003 Land Contam. Reclam. 11 161-164
Banks, D.; Younger, P.L.; Arnesen, R.-T.; Iversen, E.R.; Banks, S.B. Mine-water chemistry: The good, the bad and the ugly 1997 Environ. Geol. 32 157-174