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Author Title Year Publication (up) Volume Pages
Bhole, A.G. Acid-Mine Drainage And Its Treatment 1994 Impact of Mining on the Environment 131-141
Fernandez Rubio, R. Un recurso valioso las aguas de mina. A valuable resource, mine waters 2001 Industria y Mineria 345 14-22
Curi, A.C.; Granda, W.J.V.; Lima, H.M.; Sousa, W.T. Zeolites and their application in the decontamination of mine waste water 2006 Informacion Tecnologica 17 111-118
Mataix Gonzalez, C.; Escribano Bombin, M. Sistemas de control y tratamiento de drenajes acidos de minas. Control and treatment systems for acid mine drainage 1996 Ingeopres 42 15-18
Kuyucak, N. Mining, the Environment and the Treatment of Mine Effluents 1998 Int. J. Environ. Pollut. 10 315-325