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Author Title Year Publication (up) Volume Pages
Mohan, D.; Chander, S. Removal and recovery of metal ions from acid mine drainage using lignite-A low cost sorbent 2006 J. Hazard. Mater. 137 1545-1553
Bochkarev, G.R.; Beloborodov, A.V.; Kondrat'ev, S.A.; Pushkareva, G.I. Intensification of Aeration in treating Natural-Water and Mine Water 1994 J. Min. Sci. 30 5
Larsen, H.P. Chemical Treatment Of Metal-Bearing Mine Drainage 1973 J. Water Poll. Control Fed. 45 1682-1695
Banks, S.B. The UK coal authority minewater-treatment scheme programme: Performance of operational systems 2003 Jciwem 17 117-122
Costigan, P.A. The reclamation of acidic colliery spoil .3. Problems associated with the use of high-rates of limestone 1982 Journal of Applied Ecology 19 193-201