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Author Title Year Publication (up) Volume Pages
Gemmell, R.P. The reclamation of acidic colliery spoil .2. The use of lime wastes 1981 Journal of Applied Ecology 18 879-887
Bechard, G. Use Of Cellulosic Substrates For The Microbial Treatment Of Acid-Mine Drainage 1994 Journal of Environmental Quality 23 111-116
Ye, Z.H. Removal and distribution of iron, manganese, cobalt, and nickel within a Pennsylvania constructed wetland treating coal combustion by-product leachate 2001 Journal of Environmental Quality 30 1464-1473
Ueki, K.; Kotaka, K.; Itoh, K.; Ueki, A. Potential availability of anaerobic treatment with digester slurry of animal waste for the reclamation of acid mine water containing sulfate and heavy metals 1988 Journal of Fermentation Technology 66
Arnekleiv, J.V. Downstream Effects Of Mine Drainage On Benthos And Fish In A Norwegian River – A Comparison Of The Situation Before And After River Rehabilitation 1995 Journal of Geochemical Exploration 52 35-43