Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication  |
Volume |
Pages |
Gemmell, R.P. |
The reclamation of acidic colliery spoil .2. The use of lime wastes |
1981 |
Journal of Applied Ecology |
18 |
879-887 |
Bechard, G. |
Use Of Cellulosic Substrates For The Microbial Treatment Of Acid-Mine Drainage |
1994 |
Journal of Environmental Quality |
23 |
111-116 |
Ye, Z.H. |
Removal and distribution of iron, manganese, cobalt, and nickel within a Pennsylvania constructed wetland treating coal combustion by-product leachate |
2001 |
Journal of Environmental Quality |
30 |
1464-1473 |
Ueki, K.; Kotaka, K.; Itoh, K.; Ueki, A. |
Potential availability of anaerobic treatment with digester slurry of animal waste for the reclamation of acid mine water containing sulfate and heavy metals |
1988 |
Journal of Fermentation Technology |
66 |
Arnekleiv, J.V. |
Downstream Effects Of Mine Drainage On Benthos And Fish In A Norwegian River – A Comparison Of The Situation Before And After River Rehabilitation |
1995 |
Journal of Geochemical Exploration |
52 |
35-43 |