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Author Title Year Publication (up) Volume Pages
Kuyucak, N. Acid mining drainage prevention and control 2001 Mining Environmental Management 9 12-15
Perry, A.; Kleinmann, R.L.P. The use of constructed wetlands in the treatment of acid mine drainage 1991 Natural Resources Forum 15 178-184
Okuda, T.; Ema, S.; Ishizaki, C.; Fujimoto, J. Mine drainage treatment and ferrite sludge application 1991 NEC Technical Journal 44 4-16
Peterson, D.E.; Kindley, M.J. The Golden Cross Mine water management system 1994 New Zealand Mining 14 15-21
Karl, D.J.; Rolsten, R.F.; Carmody, G.A.; Karl, M.E. Treatment of Acid-mine Drainage Water with Alkaline By-products and Lime Blends 1983 Ohio J. Sci. 83 36