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Author Title Year Publication (up) Volume Pages
Fricke, J.; Blickwedel, R.; Hagerty, P. Biotreatment of metal mine waste waters; case histories 1997 Open-File Report – US Geological Survey Of 97-0496 25
Dillard, G. A win-win way to clean up by changing ionic state, new process can precipitate heavy metals 2000 Pay Dirt 734 10-11
Ntengwe, F.W. An overview of industrial wastewater treatment and analysis as means of preventing pollution of surface and underground water bodies – The case of Nkana Mine in Zambia 2005 Phys. Chem. Earth 30 726-734
Zaluski, M. Design and construction of bioreactors with sulfate-reducing bacteria for acid mine drainage control 1999 Phytoremediation and Innovative Strategies for Specialized Remedial Applications 205-210
Brunet, J.-F. Drainages miniers acides; contraintes et remedes; etat des connaissances--Acid mine drainage; problems and remediation techniques; state of the art 2000 Principaux Resultats Scientifiques – Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres 1999/2000 97-98