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Author Title Year Publication (up) Volume Pages
Zhuang, J.M. Lignor(TM) process for acidic rock drainage treatment 2004 Environ. Technol. 25 1031-1040
Chung, I.J. Immobilization of arsenic in tailing by using iron and hydrogen peroxide 2001 Environ. Technol. 22 831-835
Blowes, D.W.; Bain, J.G.; Smyth, D.J.; Ptacek, C.J.; Jambor, J.L.; Blowes, D.W.; Ritchie, A.I.M. Treatment of mine drainage using permeable reactive materials 2003 Environmental Aspects of Mine Wastes 31 361-376
Lee, B.H. Constructed wetlands: Treatment of concentrated storm water runoff (Part A) 2006 Environmental Engineering Science 23 320-331
Burt, R.A.; Caruccio, F.T. The effect of limestone treatments on the rate of acid generation from pyritic mine gangue 1986 Environmental geochemistry and health 8 8