Author |
Title  |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Cram, J.C. |
Diversion well treatment of acid water, Lick Creek, Tioga County, PA |
1996 |
Arnekleiv, J.V. |
Downstream Effects Of Mine Drainage On Benthos And Fish In A Norwegian River – A Comparison Of The Situation Before And After River Rehabilitation |
1995 |
Journal of Geochemical Exploration |
52 |
35-43 |
Brunet, J.-F. |
Drainages miniers acides; contraintes et remedes; etat des connaissances--Acid mine drainage; problems and remediation techniques; state of the art |
2000 |
Principaux Resultats Scientifiques – Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres |
1999/2000 |
97-98 |
Becker, G.; Wade, S.; Riggins, J.D.; Cullen, T.B.; Venn, C.; Hallen, C.P. |
Effect of Bast Mine treatment discharge on Big Mine Run AMD and Mahanoy Creek in the Western Middle Anthracite Field of Pennsylvania |
2005 |
Guay, R. |
Effect of flooding of oxidized mine tailings on T-ferrooxidans and T-thiooxidans survival and acid mine drainage production: a 4 year restoration-environmental follow-up |
1999 |
Biohydrometallurgy and the Environment toward the Mining of the 21st Century, Pt B 1999 |
9 |
635-643 |