Author |
Title  |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Kuyucak, N. |
Improved lime neutralization process |
1995 |
Sudbury '95 – Mining and the Environment, Conference Proceedings, Vols 1-3 |
129-137 |
Smyth, D.J.A.; Blowes, D.W.; Benner, S.G.; Hulshof, A.M.; Nelson, J.D. |
In situ treatment of groundwater impacted by acid mine drainage using permeable reactive materials |
2001 |
Proceedings of the Eighth international conference on Tailings and mine waste '01 |
313-322 |
Harrington, J.M. |
In situ treatment of metals in mine workings and materials |
2002 |
Tailings and Mine Waste '02 |
251-261 |
Groudev, S.N.; Georgiev, P.S.; Spasova, I.I.; Nicolova, M.N. |
In situ treatment of mine waters by means of a permeable barrier |
2000 |
Groundwater 2000 |
417-418 |
Bochkarev, G.R.; Beloborodov, A.V.; Kondrat'ev, S.A.; Pushkareva, G.I. |
Intensification of Aeration in treating Natural-Water and Mine Water |
1994 |
J. Min. Sci. |
30 |
5 |