Author |
Title |
Year  |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Barton, C.D. |
Renovation of a failed constructed wetland treating acid mine drainage |
1999 |
Environmental Geology |
39 |
39-50 |
O'Sullivan, A.D.; McCabe, O.M.; Murray, D.A.; Otte, M.L. |
Wetlands for rehabilitation of metal mine wastes |
1999 |
Biology and Environment-Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy |
99b |
11-17 |
Berthelot, D.; Haggis, M.; Payne, R.; McClarty, D.; Courtain, M. |
Application of water covers, remote monitoring and data management systems to environmental management at uranium tailings sites in the Serpent River Watershed |
1999 |
CIM Bull. |
92 |
70-77 |
Benner, S.G. |
Geochemistry of a permeable reactive barrier for metals and acid mine drainage |
1999 |
Environmental Science & Technology |
33 |
2793-2799 |
Guay, R. |
Effect of flooding of oxidized mine tailings on T-ferrooxidans and T-thiooxidans survival and acid mine drainage production: a 4 year restoration-environmental follow-up |
1999 |
Biohydrometallurgy and the Environment toward the Mining of the 21st Century, Pt B 1999 |
9 |
635-643 |