Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Kleinmann, R.L.P. |
Treatment of mine drainage by anoxic limestone drains and constructed wetlands |
1998 |
Acidic Mining Lakes |
303-319 |
Henderson, A. |
The implementation of paste fill at the Henty Gold Mine |
1998 |
Minefill'98 |
98 |
299-304 |
Skousen, J.; Rose, A.; Geidel, G.; Foreman, J.; Evans, R.; Hellier, W. |
A handbook of technologies for avoidance and remediation of acid mine drainage |
1998 |
Robinson, J.D.F. |
Wetland treatment of coal-mine drainage |
1998 |
Coal International |
246 |
114-115 |
Kleinmann, R.; Majumdar, S.K.; Miller, E.W.; Brenner, F.J. |
1998 |
497-509 |