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Author Title Year (up) Publication Volume Pages
Anonymous 1998
Tarutis Jr, W.J.; Stark, L.R.; Williams, F.M. Sizing and performance estimation of coal mine drainage wetlands 1999 Ecological Engineering 12 353-372
Van Hille, R.P.; Boshoff, G.A.; Rose, P.D.; Duncan, J.R. A continuous process for the biological treatment of heavy metal contaminated acid mine water 1999 Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 27 157-167
Tsukamoto, T.K.; Miller, G.C. Methanol as a Carbon Source for Microbiological Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage 1999 Water Res. 33 1365-1370
Karathanasis, A.D.; Barton, C.D. The revival of a failed constructed wetland treating a high Fe load AMD 1999 Proceedings; biogeochemistry of trace elements in coal and coal combustion byproducts